Steck Pianola Piano
The purpose of the Sales & Wants section is to assist private individuals who are seeking to buy or sell roll-operated pianos and music rolls. This service is free of charge.
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STECK 'Pianola' Piano 88-note player, circa 1912. A restoration project with much work already completed on the player system, but piano action, keyboard and miscellaneous items still to do. This is a good quality German-made instrument in a plain dark mahogany case, with an Aeolian player mechanism. Overstrung and underdamped. Can be heard playing. Casework in fair to good condition. Offered for FREE as space urgently required. Buyer to collect from Rickmansworth WD3 area. All enquiries to this website's owner, Ian, on the email address shown above.

Submitted 19 October 2015


Seeking Duo-Art rolls of: Warsaw Concerto, Someone to Watch Over Me, and Lullaby of Broadway. Must be in good condition. Please contact Kel4fdu[at] if you can assist me in obtaining these rolls. Thank you. (Use @ instead of [at] within the email address)
Submitted 19 November 2012